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New project in Denmark

We are very happy to announce that we will start a new project in collaboration with 4 Danish high schools running for the next year.

With funding from Cisu's Oplysningspulje, we will be creating material around topics related to Colombia and our work with youngsters in Cali and Popayán to be implemented with the Spanish students at the Danish highs schools.

We will be collaborating with four high schools that we have previously done presentation with whom we have had a good collaboration.

Team on the project

Liv, who did her internship last year with the foundation, will be volunteering on this project and will play a key role in the development of the material. She will be working closely with Salka, who is the founder and a key person in the foundation's work. The team in Colombia will also be a part of selecting the topics and the interview process with young Colombians.

We will be working on the material and plan to have it ready for the beginning of the school year August 2021. Would you be interested in getting your hands on the material to work with your students?


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