This intervention seeks to facilitate and promote Sexual and Reproductive Health Rights (S&RHR) and raise awareness about the importance of implementing S&RHR education in schools in Querétaro and surrounding areas in Mexico.

To meet the objectives of the project:
Workshops will be conducted with 3250 students in different age groups from partner schools.
New materials will be created and the current ones adjusted to use what has been learned in previous interventions.
Teachers have recognized the importance of talking to children about S&RHR and are looking for concrete tools to teach, answer questions and guide their students on these topics. For this reason, there will be teacher training sessions for 18 teachers and 12 administrative staff, with different dynamics and attractive activities to raise awareness and understanding of sex education and the importance of teaching these topics in the classroom.
A strengthened strategy to monitor and evaluate the impact of the work done in the schools will be developed.
The digital communication strategy that includes social media like Instagram and TikTok, blog, youtube, downloadable guides and our podcast will be reinforced.
The project will last for 13 months, starting on September 1, 2024.
This project is made possible with funds from