Nori and Shanon traveled to Denmark to participate in a Cisu funded project with Spanish students in high schools around Denmark.
During 5 weeks, we drove a total of 5789 km to visit 23 high schools, worked with 1.011 students and 52 teachers.
During the visits at the schools, Nori and Shanon conducted presentations, with support from Salka when needed, giving insight knowledge on the contexts in Colombia and Mexico, as well as information on our work with sex education in both countries. The presentations were done partly in Spanish and partly in English, to ensure the students understood the information, but were still able to practice their Spanish listening skills.
Afterwards, the students participated in a sex education class on the topics of consent and gender, tailored to the Danish context, but in Spanish so that they too could have the experience of participating in one of our workshops.
Overall, it was a great experience; we have learned plenty and grown much from this trip, knowledge we can use for future opportunities doing information work in Denmark.