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Teacher workshops started

Throughout the years in our work with students, we were able to chat with teachers and administrators and identify a new need. The need for teachers to have accurate and current information about sexual and reproductive health rights as well. Not only so that they are able to answer students´ questions correctly, but so that they can integrate these topics within their classes.

We began our preparations in 2020, applying for and receiving a grant from CISU, and as of March 2021, we have started with our teacher workshops. So far, it has been a great experience. Teachers have been very open and willing to participate in discussions in a respectful manner. This participation and interest have allowed for constructive discussion, especially in regard to personal beliefs and opinions versus established sexual and reproductive health rights. It is also gratifying to see teachers share their knowledge with each other when doubts arise.

We have initiated the program with one school in Cali, with 10 teachers and one school in Popayan, with 11 teachers. All were very excited to start. We will be continuing with monthly workshops with the school in Cali. In Popayan, things moved much quicker, Nori has finalized the first three workshops with teachers. Now, they will need to implement the knowledge they have acquired. We can´t wait to observe the classes teachers create for their students and what students have to say about these.


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